Song: Written by myself and Greg Edmondson.
I recorded a conversation that took place between him and I
over some cocktails. The lyrics are pretty much verbatim.
Music: Robert Goetz
Players: Sherman S. Sherman - bass
Merv Shrock - piano, background vocal, engineer
Robert Goetz - guitars and vocals
Recorded and mixed: In Merv's basement on a two track tape recorder.
Mastered in hifi at Sherms
Video: Footage taken by Robert Goetz and Sherman S. Sherman during 3-1-08 trip to Sherm's land to pick up "Car Bomb" sculpture.
Camera: Sony Handycam, Super SteadyShot DCR-TRV17 NTSC
Edited by: Robert Goetz using Final Cut Pro 6
Please note: Neither Sherm or myself are affiliated with